There isn't a lot going on inside the house today, so I'm not posting any pics of the inside. But despite the cold and windy weather we are again having in Tulsa, the crew at the house today was the roofers.
I had the day off work, so on my way to meet friends for brunch (that's a great thing to do on a day off), I drove by the house and snapped a picture of the back when the roofers were just getting started.
We had a walk-through this afternoon with the builders, the electrician & the audio/visual guy (he might be Shane's favorite person at this point). When we arrived, they had begun wrapping the house with Tyvek to help seal the house from the elements. They hadn't yet made the cut-outs for the doors and windows and we had to enter through the garage.
We all spent a couple of hours walking through with set of house plans, a permanent marker and a can of spray paint and marked the walls where every outlet, light switch, Control 4 panel and television will be placed. This will enable them to run the electric and the cable for all of this equipment.
Quite frankly, when they are talking about the A/V stuff it sounds like "Wah, wah, wah, wah," to me (you know what Charlie Brown's teacher sounds like?). At this point I'm a little concerned about my ability to turn on a TV or have music at the new house without calling Shane at work for instructions. But he knows what he is doing and both Shane and the A/V guy assure me that it will be very simple and even Minnie & Bo might be able to watch TV while we are away if they should want to.
After our meeting, we went to a couple of tile stores to see if Shane could find anything he liked and when we stopped by the house again, the back of the roof looked like this.
They have begun trimming back the Tyvek around the doors and windows, which makes it easier to enter through the front door, but also allows the icy wind to get in-and boy is the wind icy today! I will be glad when the windows go in and we'll have a wind break.
Here's the last pic of the house for today.
We are still choosing tile and plan to go back to the tile store later this week with the builder to make some final decisions so that she can get things ordered.
As a contractor, seeing the roof and walls of the house up already always gives me fulfillment. It’s that point when the house starts to really take its shape, and that’s why I love it. How long did it take for the entire thing to be finished?