Our Site

This site is for our family and friends to be able to watch the construction of our new home.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Three days felt like thirty

All of that messy snow inside the house melted and then promplty re-froze, so the construction workers haven't been able to work on the house since Saturday. Three days with no changes have seemed like thirty & I'm sure you'll all be shocked to discover that I'm not the most patient person in the world.

From the street it didn't look like much had changed, but once we got inside there were many improvements.

Here's a picture of the dining room; the windows face the backyard and the nook is for our buffet. Next, we snuck upstairs...I'm sure our builders will be thrilled when they see these pics (just kidding).

This is a view of the front door with the office in the right of the picture, the rectangle that is outside the front door will be the upstairs balcony.

Here is a view of the upstairs hallway, looking in the direction of the gameroom & bedrooms. The decking in the left of the picture that is higher than the rest of the upstairs floor is the ceiling to the living room. In this picture you can see how the living room ceiling is taller than the other downstairs rooms.

This is a view into the gameroom. The window on the top of the picture overlooks the front yard and this hole in the floor is our super cool accent floor that our builder is designing. (Stay tuned for more details).

Here is a view of the gameroom from the other side of the upstairs. You can see the outline of the balcony on the right of the pic.
This is a view of the future media room, which sits above the kitchen. The downstairs room to the left is the office.
I wonder what it will look like at the end of the day tomorrow?

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