Our Site

This site is for our family and friends to be able to watch the construction of our new home.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

99% Complete

That's right, the house STILL isn't completely finished.  Yeah, I know...we thought that the great thing about having a Parade house was that it had an absolute finish date.

Hahaha.  The last laugh was certainly on us!  We are still trying to get things finished.  After we moved in & both went back to work, I took another couple of days off so that we could get the subs back in to have everything finished.

We scheduled the electricians, the drywall guys & the lighting store to come finish up their areas.  They all arrived.  However the painters and tile guys haven't come back yet & we are still missing legs to the island that will need to be installed by the trim guys, so there is still lots of little things that need finished.

At least we finally have that silly grounding rod out of the back yard.  After Shane & I spent hours digging and wiggling that grounding rod to remove it, with no success, the electricians came and in about 5 minutes pulled the thing straight out of the ground.

Can you see how long it is? It's about 3 feet taller than the guy holding it...it felt like it was tied to some building in China.

They said we loosened it up. I believe them.

We aren't having a lot of luck with the garden this year.  It's a little pathetic compared to last year, but with the late start, the hotter-than-hades weather and the terrible soil we just didn't have much hope.

One cucumber has managed to survive.  It's about 3 inches long.

We have some marble size cherry tomatoes that have looked exactly like this photo for about 3 weeks.  I am inclined to think they will never turn red.

However, the pink-double-knockout-roses seem to be doing well & I'm enjoying them quite a lot.

We have straightened up the garage and there is now room for two of our cars. I'm not showing you the third car garage for a reason.  It's still on my "to-do" list.

Also in the garage, here is Shane's new workbench.  It has a light and a place to hang all the tools you normally use, as well as several electrical outlets on one side so you can plug in your tools.
Remember I said the drywall guys showed up?  Now the house looks like this. 

Almost every room is currently decorated with white patches and blue tape.  The drywall guys are telling me that the painters need to sand the patch job...the painters are telling me the drywall guys should do it...and yet no one is actually doing it.

I'm getting a little irritated.

Today we found a place to hang our very cool double-sided clock.  (It's in the game room in case you couldn't tell.)  (Mom, there is an OU sign hanging in that doorknob too, thanks.)

In our bathroom, you can see the stool for my make-up area. I love the make-up area and I love having all the space in the drawers and cabinets.  It is this clean every day.  Really.  I'm not even kidding.  Shane can hardly believe it.

 Also, Minnie & Bo have a classy new black & white water bowl that matches the decor. 

We couldn't really expect them to walk all the way to the kitchen every time they needed a drink; I mean there legs are kind of short.

Minnie would look like this after every trek for a drink-wiped out!

Also, in the laundry room we have another new decoration necessitated by Minnie & Bo.  Can you see the red box right next to the flowers?

It's a "Hello Kitty" mini-fridge.

Inside, it's just large enough to hold a can of food for both the critters as well as some of their medicine which must be kept refrigerated.

I mean, you can't really expect us to walk back and forth from the laundry room to the fridge and back to the laundry room every time they need to eat...

It has nothing to do with the length of our legs, we're just too lazy.

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